A westerner in a raincoat and straw hat approaches the shore of Dal Lake in Sri Nagar. Over the sound of the waves, he hears a Kashmiri singing from a house boat tied up to the bank. The Kashmiri is an old friend and during the chai party that follows their talk ranges through all of Maharishi's knowledge. They discuss how it integrates our knowledge of the world with subjective experience. 
Three men on yaks have arrived in the Hunza valley. While their  leader whirls round and round, one of his followers talks about the philosophy of the ancient Greeks from whom the Hunzas are descended. They discuss Socrates account of how one can progress from love of individuals to love of society and eventually to love of the universal value of Nature's Intelligence guiding life everywhere. SUMMARY AND ILLUSTRATIONS

It is the second half of the seventh century A.D. and a Buddhist monk escorted by three well laden Chinamen are being detained at a customs post on the Kashmiri border. The commanding officer of the post is gently inquiring about the knowledge they gained during their stay. They discuss the best techniques of meditation and Ayurveda, the art of maintaining long life, as well as the Vedic sciences of Jyotish and Yagya.  SUMMARY AND ILLUSTRATIONS
Three men are working in a vegetable garden on the outskirts of a small town. A dark cloud on the horizon turns into the dust cloud of an approaching army. Upon the army's arrival a discussion ensues between the great king Salivahana and the farmers about the doctrines of a Saint called the ‘Isha Putra’ (Son of God). According to the farmers this Saint said we should seek first the kingdom of Heaven within, and then everything else will be added unto us. The way to do this is to be innocent and to effortlessly become one with Cosmic Intelligence. SUMMARY AND ILLUSTRATIONS
In a debate outside a temple a brilliant young Sanyasin is contesting with other pandits. Nearby, a follower of this monk is washing clothes. The washerman tells a pair of young Kashmiris about the six systems of Indian philosophy and how both the householder and recluse have a path for rapid evolution. SUMMARY AND ILLUSTRATIONS
Panini, a great Vedic grammarian is resting in the garden of a small provincial town. His follower and commentator, Maharishi Patanjali has arrived. While the two are in Samadhi their disciples discuss how analysis (Vyakaran) and synthesis (Yoga) are both needed to realise unity in the field of infinite diversity. Yoga takes us from the point values of daily life to the unbounded field of the Self within and the analysis of Vyakaran takes us from the infinity within to all the point values of life. 
While people return from the  Mahabharata war, a Mother and daughter discuss Veda Vyasa and Lord Krishna. The Mother encourages her daughter’s desire for knowledge and says that both intellectual understanding and experience are necessary for living the infinite potential of life. She explains this by saying if you have a treasury in the house and don't know about it, it is of no use. But seeing and hearing about it makes you a millionaire. SUMMARY AND ILLUSTRATIONS

Papageno has decided to become a teacher of Transcendental Meditation but before he goes off to learn how the tree suggests they observe one more conversation together. As a result they go back to near the time of Lord Raam and listen to what the monkeys and birds say about his silent administration of the world through Nature's infinite intelligence.

Papageno has returned from India and is staying with his friend Prince Tamino. A wish-yielding cow called 'Kama Duhk' arrives looking for her calf. The cow tells them stories from the Upanishads until her calf is found. Afterwards Prince Tamino, Papageno and the tree discuss the eternal nature of the Upanishads and their timeless value for human evolution.